Day 4
Initial Impressions: Crap it's early. I'm going to be late. Oh god this hill is going to kill me (while walking up it from my potential new house to school). Eeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (me screeching in my head as I ride in the taxi).
Today I registered for classes (and almost died on the way back, but more on that later). Woke up at 6:45ish (oh fine, who's kidding, I was up at 7). Took my shower and got ready to leave (key note to self: If I wash my hair and plan to blow dry it then I must get up at 6:45 for real). I was out before they started serving breakfast :( but managed to make it to campus by 8:02. Got in line for the registration process where they question you, in line, in front of the world in Spanish. (I guess that was the testing they warned us about). Anyway I got the whole, "What's your name?" "Where are you from?" "Why did you come to CEPE?" "Where are you living?" questions but then she asked me something that I think was "How did I get my living situation?" to which I just blinked for about 30 seconds - I was lost there. She nodded and gave me my number and told me where to go. I started filling out the forms, online - Which by the way, the computer keyboards are freaking weird. Buttons in random places, strange new combinations of buttons to push to make the @ symbol... fortunately I'm a genius [lmao] and I figured it out - and showed the two guys sitting next to me. Turns out I tested in basic Spanish (well no surprise there). They had me pick my class time - either 9 to 12 or 4 to 7. I choose 9 to 12 because I would rather have a chance to walk home before it gets dark... then I got my "elective" options. It was either pronunciation (ewwww) at 8 am (ewww * 100) or at 12 pm or two different types of dance, salsa, 2-4, or traditional, 12 - 2. Personally, I'm feeling all, wtf? either I get to take a class for an hour where we pronounce things or we dance? Damn it, have you seen my two left feet and lack of rhythm? At this point the lack of food must have gotten to my brain because I'm 98.2% certain I registered for two dance classes *panic*, no lunch breaks, and have managed to go to class from 9-4 M-F... starting tomorrow. I'm not entirely certain how I feel about this... though I suppose that is a normal enough class schedule... I'm just used to my whole not awake before 10 am and back home by 3 and classes only on two of the 5 days thing that I've ruined myself on for the last few years.
So I have decided I am going to turn my new goals for these two months into 1. Learning Spanish for real (damnit!) 2. Gaining a semi-decent grasp of dance and 3. to just let it go - enjoy this and just see where it takes me. Lol. I'm in a foreign country with people from all over the world who I probably wont ever see again. May as well have fun with it. Look like a moron, seem confused (or be actually confused and seem like I know what I'm doing), dance like no one is watching - or more accurately, try to dance in the first place and not complain and desperately wish for my World of Warcraft where I can avoid all 'real' people.
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Spelled wrong, as usual - I'm complicated. |
So since I've been here I've met some really awesome and friendly people. That extended into the people I've met through CEPE. I've meet the South American men that will be my house mates, I met a young guy from Sweden who has a Mexican girlfriend here who he is housing with, an older gentleman from Australia, and young guy from California, and my other, unmet housemate, from Japan. The diversity at the school (obviously) is astounding, but I'm thrilled to see how many people there are and how friendly everyone is. Nothing like registering at UNM or NMSU where they are only friendly during the introduction week and after that you are on your own. The guy from Sweden already compared our class schedules and was excited to see that we both have Traditional Dance together (god I can't say dance classes with out cringing/snickering... I'm like that 12 year old boy who hated dance classes in school and was embarrassed, except I'm an almost 25 year old woman... my maturity level astounds me... *sigh*).
Oh, I supposed I should comment on my near death experience. My taxi driver taking me home from UNAM got a bit lost, and my Spanish really needs to improve so I can tell them where to go. I mean it's (points) right theeeerrrrrrreeeeeeeee. Well he passed it, did a u-turn in the middle of the road (on coming traffic and all), passed it again, then decided to... Reverse.....for two blocks.... to get to the street. I couldn't even look. I sat there staring forward, because if I got rear-ended I didn't want to have neck and back problems for the rest of my life and trying not to tense up because that makes it 100 times worse, especially with out a seat belt on. Yup. So I loved the crazy driving up until that point, the whole reversing for two blocks while I don't have a seat belt might be a bit more than I can handle...
Well that's been my adventure so far today. It's still really early but I think I'll just do my homework for my classes at NMSU while I know I have the chance before school at CEPE starts tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you've decided to go along for the will make you're experience so much more fun. Have a great 1st day at school. "Dance like no one's watching...sign like no one's listening and Love like you've never been hurt and LIVE!"
Love you, have fun, and be safe,
Thank's Cathi! I love you very much and I'm glad I have your vote of confidence... especially after my first day of no rhythm in public. Lol