28 October 2011
Musical Performance
Initial Impressions: I'm sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. I shouldn't have stayed up til 2 am, I can barely drag my butt out of bed.
Today was extremely difficult for me to stay awake in class. It is only a 3 hour class and it is quite interactive but jeeze if I had a whole minute to set my head down I'd have been out. I didn't have much planned today, other than class and homework for both schools. After class Mireille and I were going to head to the Superama to grab some food (as I'm kinda low at home) but we got distracted by some noise while climbing down the 4 flights of stairs from class. There was a procession across campus (well the CEPE campus, not the whole UNAM) leading to the stage/theater space. We decided to get photos and follow it to see what was going on. We were given a program and everyone filed into the theater. Turns out it was going to be a musical performance. We both thought it would be cool to get some photo/video and stayed for the whole thing. It was quite good. I've put pretty much all the videos of the performance on here just so you guys can watch them too. Some of the videos get kinda wobbly because my arms got tired from holding the phone above the bald guy and the lady with the hair in front of me. - Okay I've spent a bit here trying to get these videos uploaded and it is just not working. I am not sure if my internet is too slow or if the file is messed up *shrug*. I'll try to get them up on some kind of site somewhere and I'll post a link here of them videos. Instead this is the photos of the program and the back half of the procession in the mean time.
After that we went to the store. I bought a few things that I would need around the house and some veggies, juice, milk and cereal. We had a cart since I didn't want to juggle everything. As I was walking out the store a guy in a reflective vest comes up and says, "Taxi?". I say, "Si por favor." So he takes my cart away from me and we walk up to the street. Mireille and I stop, waiting for him to get a taxi for us when he just keeps walking, waving at us to follow him... I'm curious as to where he is going with my damn groceries, so we follow and he asks where I need to go, "Copilco el Alto". "Bien" he says and he keeps walking.... I say, "Quiero un taxi". "Si, Si!" and he keeps walking.... we walk past the walmart, across the streets and he is happily walking me pretty much half way home. I am totally confused at this point, if I knew I could just walk home with my damn cart I would have done it AND not had him be pushing it. I ask Mireille if she has any idea what the hell this guy is doing. She doesn't. After walking for a bit and him not waving a cab down I finally get the idea that maybe he really is walking me home... and I sure as hell don't want to pay for that. So I jog up to my cart, grab the side and say "No, senor. Quiero un Taxi". He sighs, stops and flags one down. As he is loading my groceries into the taxi Mireille figures it would be best to tip him. I was more annoyed than anything and wasn't all to keen on that idea but I figured 5 pesos, then she tossed in another 5, cause she is just way friendlier and kinder than I am. After thanking her for walking with me half way to my home I get in the taxi and get home where I *dun dun dun* made food that didn't have BREAD or CHEESE in it. I even took a photo since none of you people will believe me.
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See! It had rice, chicken, carrots, broccoli and green peppers... so you guys can't give me shit for eating only bread and cheese anymore. |
OOOH!! I got my access to the site for Spanish!! :D Now I'll get distracted with that instead of those research papers I have to do. *hehehe* So far that's been my day. I don't intend to do anything else but homework and video games or a movie for the rest of the night, but if that changes I will update this later on.
Here is the list of songs that they performed. I do not think I have videos of all of them, but you can use it for some reference.
Libre al fin - Jacob Regnat (1530-1599)
Ay linda amiga - Anonimo. Siglo XVI
Riu, riu chiu - Anomino. Cancionero de Uppsala
No la debemos dormir - Anonimo. Cancionero de Uppsala
Verbum caro factum est - Anonimo. Cancionero de Uppsala
Hanacpachap - Anonimo. Siglo XVII
Tourdion - Pierre Attaignat
Pompa ya circunstancia - Sir Edward W. Elgar (1857-1954)
Siyahamba - Tradicional Zulu
Canten senores cantores - Popular Argentina
La catalana - Xavier Montsalvatge (1912-2002) [This song was skipped]
Santa Lucia - Tradicional Napolintana
Torna a Surriento - Ernesto de Curtis (1875 - 1937)
Va pensiero - G. Verdi (1813-1901)
Si la nieve resbala - Anonimo Canionero Asturiano
Zorongo - F. Garcia Lorca (1898 - 1936)
La Llarona - Tradicional Oaxaqueno [This was the final song]
Vois sur ton chemin - Christopher Barratier (1963 - ) Bruno Coulais (1954 - )
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