Saturday, October 29, 2011

Day 15 - Uneventful and I like it

Day 15
29 October 2011
Uneventful and I like it

Initial Impressions: Laundry. Must do laundry.

Well today was a wake up early day, but mostly because the housekeeper was 'talking' to someone and I'm certain there is either a bird or a crazy  person living near me that only hollers a strange kind of "aaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa" call on the weekend mornings.  Its very detrimental to my sleep pattern/wish to sleep until 2 pm on Saturday and Sundays. This whole waking up early thing is going to kill me when I'm back home in the States and staying up until 3 or 4 am normally.  After waking up early I decide I'm going to go do laundry. I get everything together and head downstairs to find out that Anthony has beat me to the machine. *sigh*.  Okay. So I'll wait and eat some breakfast. After breakfast I head upstairs until I figure enough time has passed... to just walk by Shin, (the guy from Vietnam) who had just started his laundry. *Damn it*... Okay go back upstairs, check on some homework, be productive, then figure, alright been about 30 mins lets go check... so see the housekeeper adding soap to whatever she is washing.  At this point I'm just super irritated. My timing is way off today AND the housekeeper has her own laundry machine we people aren't allowed to use why are they using ours? :(  Turns out she wanted to wash two loads at the same time... So I set my damn clothes right there in the basket in front of the machine. Clearly stating that I'm going next.  Instead of going upstairs I sit in the kitchen talking with Anthony and one of his travel friends/coworkers, watching that machine like a hawk. *Glare*

After finally, and successfully washing my laundry I head up to the third floor to hang it to dry. After that I head back to my room to spend the rest of the day alternating between homework and WOW.  I didn't get any pictures or go out at all :D and I kinda enjoyed it.  Especially since I'll be going to Teotihuacan Monday/Tuesday and Tuesday night I'm going to either a bar or to find something related to the Day of the Dead.  Anthony heard of some place in a different town that sells cool stuff and I was recommended a town that has an old style traditional celebration by my teacher. I figure tomorrow we can sit down and map everything, as well as figure out what time I'll be back from Teotihuacan so we can go out. *yay!*

I am very much missing Halloween and the costumes. I have seen everyone photos online for facebook and I am quite jealous. I'm missing my favorite holiday!!!!  I figure the experience of being in Mexico as well as the friends I am making will be worth it though. (I hope >.>) Today while talking with Anthony it turns out one of his comrades from the diplomatic program he is with has a foreign boyfriend (I don't recall where he was from) who was kidnapped off the Metro around 2 pm last week. The family got a call immediately demanding 50,000 pesos in exchange. The guy was returned safely after they got the money.  I know this is very very scary, and my family will probably be up in arms over this so I want to let you know that I am aware of the risks and am taking precautions.  Anthony and I exchanged numbers and plan to keep and eye out if we don't see the other for a day or so.  We won't take cabs to school alone (if we have to flag one down instead of calling), nor will we just hail cabs casually.  We also wont ride the Metro alone unless it can not be helped and then we will ride in a car with many people and not speak with anyone (as we don't know much Spanish and our accents are terrible we want to avoid being clearly foreigners).  He doesn't know all the details, but had just heard about it today and wanted to let me know what was up.  So yes, it is dangerous and I know there are risks and I am trying to be as safe as humanly possible.

Anyway, this is the end of today. I don't have much else to report as I didn't do anything really productive. I hope to have awesome photos of both Teotihuacan and the Day of the Dead soon.  Sending my love to family and thinking of you guys.



  1. OK, so in Mexico City the Walmart isn't full of ninja costumes and vampire makeup kits? Is it all Day of the Dead stuff and completely unlike halloween here, or is there a mixture of both? Will there be trick-or-treaters or only Day of the Dead celebrations?

  2. There are some costumes in the Walmart as well as a mix of Day of the Dead stuff. From what I've heard there is not a huge Halloween thing. Instead of trick or treats people are busy preparing for the Day of the Dead, and the celebrations that happen on the evening of the 1st.
