30 October 2011
Meet my little friend.... (Channeling my inner scar face voice)
Initial Impression: Okay so weekends definitely will not mean sleep. Is that 80's Madonna?!?!
Well today was another day where I've accepted and have come to the conclusion that I do not get any sleep. Everyone is up early on the weekends, in the park, blaring radios, laughing and just being happy. I'm taking that as a sign to get by ass out of bed and be productive. Speaking of productive, I basically got everything done in the shower before I ran out of hot water! Tomorrow I'm certain I can have it down *bam*. 3 minutes record is being established. I spent all afternoon working on papers. I wrote the rough draft for my Women's Health, which is about The Global Gag Rule/Mexico City Policy. I edited (briefly) my Human Sexuality class paper on Comprehensive vs. Abstinence only Sexual Education before I realized I need to have my rough draft (5 pages starting point) for my Spanish paper on Surrealism in Literature and the Influence of Latin American Culture which is due in two days. *Panic!* So I have now been focused on doing that, and not going to the store to add minutes to my phone like planned. I did get invited out to Coyoacan with Anthony if I'm interested this evening. And I might go... if I get at least 4 pages written. I have to finish this so I can edit it once before turning it in. I spent a part of today going over ALL my homework that is due to make sure that I've got it all down and know what goes where and when. While taking a break I discovered I've got a new friend. He is chilling outside my window. I scared him into the tree, and only managed to snap two photos as he was contemplating the bribe I gave him and then running away with it. :D I think he will come back, as I started feeding him.. we'll see. I just have to make sure he wont starve after I leave. I've named him Obi. It's short for obsidian, as he kinda has that color. He just got shortened to Obi for two reasons, 1. He's a squirrel, He doesn't need the whole damn name and 2. He's a bit like a Jedi... disappearing and scampering about in my tree. :D If I go out I'll get more photos otherwise, here's the two I got of my little friend.
Meet Obi
Nice to have another friend...does he get along with the lizard? And just for the record, I know several squirrels with very long names.
ReplyDelete:) He hasn't meet the lizard yet